Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gears of SAM

Gawwwwwwwd... I have had this on my desktop for WEEKS. It was done, but I kep looking at it going "no... it should be more detailed" but MAN, screw it, it's done and move on!

It's a bust (hehe bust) of Sam from Gears of War 3. Kinda gotta video game crush on her, it might be the tan skin, or the ridged Australian voice of Claudia Black. I dunno what it is, all I know is I tend to crouch behind her character a lot in the campaign storyline. Need a girlfriend much? Who can say.

Annnnyway, blah blah blah, rant rant rant, gotta do more drawing cuz I haven't, bluuuuuuh, HEY! it's called a RUT, and I am in one at the moment. I am trying to be Stella, and get her (which in this case is my) Groove BACK! WOO!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Marana update, Line Werrrrk

The digital line work of Marna, the Monster Archeologist I drew a while back, here:

fully colored art coming SOOOOOON! I haven't painted anything with my tablet in a while and I wanna work my best effort into it.

Double click the image to see it in FULL VIEEEEWWWWW :D

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Badassminton Page 1

my first graphic novel is called Badassminton, it's a high school story about 2 kids who are really bored with their classes. Their only outlet for sanity is playing badminton in gym class. they love to play it so much they let their imaginations run wild until they become apart of the game itself! I have 38 pages drawn and scanned in, now I just need to ink and detail them in pho-to-mo-shop and have this bitch PRINTED! BWHAHAHA.... this might take a year... guh.... we'll see.

like it says, this is the first page... not TOO exciting, but I like the visual imagery alots. That guy in the middle is Ace, the main character. it's 6:00am in this page, what did you expect? him to do some cartwheels? those are hard to draw btw...

Best detail was the cow on the milk bottle XD

Saturday, September 24, 2011


"The Harp of Death"
Troll Hunter

I know, I know, you must be all like "whuuut? Bryjj?" It's prenounced 'Bridge' the two j's make a 'dge' sound. I was making it up as a fake Swedish -slash- Norwegean type name. She's a Troll Hunter! From Norway, and she has a collection of teeth from the trolls she's taken out. I just watched this movie called Trollhunter on Netflix about a film crew who finds the only Troll hunter in Norway. It's pretty friggin' nifty, I suggest checking it out.

Why the Harp of Death? well, she's got one eye and one leg if you can't already tell. Her leg replacement is actually a very sturdy wooden harp with all the strings missing. Some say she's quicker and more nimble with it because it's blessed by her dead grandmother who made harps for her family... Yeah, I'm either onto something or I need to get out of the house more...

Army Girl
with Net-Zooka

This girl is supposed to be in an army of troll catchers or something. Tiny trolls, not the big ass ones. She's just a feisty red headed army brat with a net shooting bazooka and knife-knuckle, and ankle knife...... KNIFE KNIFE KNIFE!

Her pose is from someone else's awesome character, an artist I bow to on a regular basis, they call him... Lysol Jones. check out the character I got the pose idea from and check his other stuff out! he's the bomb.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Art trade for Libbeh!

Digtial Ill Knight Edition

Art trade for the very talented Libby! A Sketch for sketch. She is very talented, check her work out! she's Fantasticallllll

I decided to draw her as an epic digital tablet wielding knight of some kind! Cuz it's EEEEEPIIIICCC! sorry if the scan is weird, it's a large sketch book and had to scan in in two halves and then corect the offsetting lighting in photoshop.

Also did this one too! a DOUBLE WHAMMIE!

it's a cool Harlequin character of her owwwn creeee-a-tionnn,

this scan is a lil worse, sorry but did the best I could.


Sunday, September 18, 2011


Full Body Edition
with bone trident and 

this one took a few sheets of loose leaf paper. Albious, the bone caster class Necromancer. Norwegian, young, smart, dashing metal music style (in finger nail paint too). Some background: Albi's father was a hardcore religious man which lead Albi to want to rebel and study science. He quickly learned he liked the human anatomy, so much so, he studied the dead. yadda yadda yadda, he becomes a Necromancer... that creates bones as weapons from thin air.

He's based on look and feel of the Necromancer form Diablo 2, and makes many references to it as well.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day Sketch, fighter of the night sketch

50 points for those you get that reference

Full Body Edition
with gun and Spear of Destiny

if there was a caption:

"Isn't that the spear that poked Jesus?"


"Will it work against monsters?"

"if it can kill Jesus, it can kill just about anything."

Aaaaaha... Me... Drew Gretta again (the girl drawn from my first post, scroll down) this time in a full body pose. Been meaning to flesh out the final look for her and then Albious will come swiftly later. I love my characters and their poses, but I sometimes think I needs to make more dynamic poses, don't you think? Something with flare, Yeah! Flaaaaaaiiiiirrrr *jazz hands*

Gave her the Spear of Destiny, now sure why, but she does hunt paranormal entities from other worlds and that name is pretty friggin' epic. Shes got a gun holster under her left arm pit if you're wondering, hence the belt under the boobs. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sketch of the day!... err... night?

Horned Demon girl
and Monster Archeologist

if there were a caption it'd say: "Finally! got the sucker!"

I'm proud of this new character I just created, took me a few hours to get it down and detailed. Watched me How to Train a Dragon and my imagination went up in flames. Realized I have a new liking for girls with horns growing out of them... so I came up with this cute and tattered one! She's a Monster Archeologist. What's that? Hell if I know. It has something to do with studying and chronicling old and new monsters... alive or dead. And Marna here loves what she does, and pulling monster molars apparently.

Oldies but Goodies

Alex on wheels!
Jet Set Radio Edition

Jet Set Radio Edition

Just a Character from a fun idea about a few rough and tough gangsters

X-men, Gambit
Mini Edition!

Sexy Steam Punk lady
with exhaust vent in rear ;)

confused illustration student
from waaaaaay back... 2008?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tyzer Hullvan 2011
(revised character)
messy edition

Tyzer is my funny, do any job for a space dollar, down on his luck dude who lives in the a ghetto of a future space galaxy. He has a lot of debt and a lot of spunk, and is forced to work Galactic Government jobs that usually beat him the hell up. He was once a top ranking space police officer but his brother derailed everything... as for the rest of the story... some assembleh re-quired.

Tyzer Hullvan 2011
Space Suit Edition

just tyzer in his ugly and hand-me-down orange space suit with grey trim. And VAL, his little helper computer system robot that is highly intelligent and programed to be a sarcastic bitch. fun huh?

Doctor Who
(Tom Baker edition)

WHO DAT? I SAY YOU, YOU DAT? oh, it's just the Doctor, been meanin' to color this... been meanin' to color a lot of things... eh... 

 Johnny Stix

After seeing a movie called The Hustler, with Paul Freaking Newman, I came up with a bunch of hard livin' characters for a cartoonist pool gambling story based world on the inspirations of the movie. Was a damn good movie. Johnny Stix is your average pool playing shlub, who swims with sharks, gets in too deep, and then gets cut! Ooooo the verbiage.

Sauced Sally

Real name being Selina, Sauced Sally (named after the collective community) is the depressing, drunk, and miserable love interest of Johnny Stix in the pool story idea I got from watching the movie The Hustler. She's based on the actual girl who is the love interest of Paul Newman's character in the movie. Sally's dad however, is a big Pool Shark Mafia Don or sorts. She got to drinkin' her life away because of her mother's death and runs into Johnny Stix at a pool tournament.

this sketch is more clean because I drew it after Johnny Stix. But these were both drawn around the same time.

Albious Calcorvonious Flathgruvic
(he keeps purposfully mispronouncing his middle and last name)
Albi for short.
-Necromancer, Bone Caster Class

This here's Albious, 20 somethin' year, Grey haired Norwegian Necromancer. High intellect, enjoys hardcore metal music and understanding EVERYTHING. there's so much to say about this character, but he's the guy who teams up with Gretta, the girl drawn in my last post.

Might draw his face more mature, dunno, still determining the style of the characters in the graphic novel they will be in.

Gretta Traugott
Hardcore pose with Medusa head
and double barrel shotgun with axe
duct tapped to it.

It's the first Sketch of the Sketch Blog! Woooooo! 

Hey, sorry the corners are so dark, but drew this in a large sketchbook and the scanner picked it up weird and so had to do some adjustments.

Gretta is a character in a graphic novel idea I hope to soon produce that's my very one Hellboy -slash- B.P.R.D. with some H. P. Lovecraft inspired mayhem! Gretta, she's a cop! Works for the E.P.P. (European Paranormal Police) shes mid 20, punkish, a smoker, Hellboy fanatic, German, and angry. She wishes to be a high ranking officer in the E.P.P. but is stuck with the lamest tasks due to her perverted boss who put here there after she broke his pelvis. He asked her for sexual favors (the blowjob kind) in exchange for raising her rank, aaaaand... well, the rest is math. Errrr... math.

She later teams up with a hilariously Johannas Cabal type Necromancer (great novel, look it up) also in his 20's and go on adventures. More sketches of them to come later!