Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gears of SAM

Gawwwwwwwd... I have had this on my desktop for WEEKS. It was done, but I kep looking at it going "no... it should be more detailed" but MAN, screw it, it's done and move on!

It's a bust (hehe bust) of Sam from Gears of War 3. Kinda gotta video game crush on her, it might be the tan skin, or the ridged Australian voice of Claudia Black. I dunno what it is, all I know is I tend to crouch behind her character a lot in the campaign storyline. Need a girlfriend much? Who can say.

Annnnyway, blah blah blah, rant rant rant, gotta do more drawing cuz I haven't, bluuuuuuh, HEY! it's called a RUT, and I am in one at the moment. I am trying to be Stella, and get her (which in this case is my) Groove BACK! WOO!