Sunday, October 9, 2011

Marana update, Line Werrrrk

The digital line work of Marna, the Monster Archeologist I drew a while back, here:

fully colored art coming SOOOOOON! I haven't painted anything with my tablet in a while and I wanna work my best effort into it.

Double click the image to see it in FULL VIEEEEWWWWW :D

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Badassminton Page 1

my first graphic novel is called Badassminton, it's a high school story about 2 kids who are really bored with their classes. Their only outlet for sanity is playing badminton in gym class. they love to play it so much they let their imaginations run wild until they become apart of the game itself! I have 38 pages drawn and scanned in, now I just need to ink and detail them in pho-to-mo-shop and have this bitch PRINTED! BWHAHAHA.... this might take a year... guh.... we'll see.

like it says, this is the first page... not TOO exciting, but I like the visual imagery alots. That guy in the middle is Ace, the main character. it's 6:00am in this page, what did you expect? him to do some cartwheels? those are hard to draw btw...

Best detail was the cow on the milk bottle XD