Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nausicaa Reeboot... Reebooted!

Oh yeah! Look at all that progresssssss! This is a re-drawing of a drawing of a reboot to Nausicaa from the Valley of the Wind. I like the first one a lot but it wasn't loose and fluid enough. Too drab and lifeless, but still good. I kept a good amount of the same style ideas, making her like she's apart of  an Air-Force pilot, since she's all up in the air and all. I like drawing big, I think I should keep it to an 8 by 11 sheet of paper but drawing big is so nice.

I thought I posted the first drawing before but I guess not, SO HERE SHE IS! 

WHEW! Look at all that progress! She was great and all, had a nice gas mask idea I loved and the pants... Oooooooo those pants! I'm going to enjoy coloring the reeboot.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monk ink + Demon Hunter Ink-ery

I inked both character sketches in a more abrasive line thickness. Usually I use very linear lines but I went for more change in line width. Now is the time to color... buuuh.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Diablo 3 Monkery

Just the sketch of a lady monk from Diablo 3, I have a Demon hunter and Wizard I'll be working on too. going to attempt a new paint style, wee.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Portal double sided air freshener

Portal car air freshener
Double sided!

I had to make a portal car deely air freshener, and it had to be like portal! if i print it I might cut out the inside of the portal, I might not. Side note: a slice of cake was supposed to be on top of Chell's butt, and Wheatly was supposed to be with potato Glados, buuuuuuuut that was too much for one lil tiny air freshener. the design had to match from the front and the back, so this one was enjoyable but limited in space. ENJOY!

Drake air freshener

Drake from Uncharted
car air freshener.

I don't really like the Uncharted game, but I just got this funny idea and made one for the fans. Uncharted to me is the male version of Tomb Raider, so instead of the big breasted, half dressed Lara Croft there's the rejected Holister model and gun man Drake? Eeeeeeeh, I lost interest. But thought the spear through the chest was funny, SO I MADE THIS!

Ezio air freshener

Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2

I laughed at this idea so hard that I had to make it, a maybe pizza scented car air freshener of the Florence Nobleman -slash- assassin, Ezio. And so, instead of the hidden dagger he has a hidden pizza cutter! XD aaaah being funny and clever.

Mass Effect 3 car air fresheners

Guy Shepard

Girl Shepard

More in the series. Watched some Mass Effect 3 vids and got into it.

I don't know where I get the ideas for these, but it's funny to see that my talents make for some pretty funny collectibles. I think these car air fresheners are decorations that you see and enjoy while driving, which is sometimes better then having my work on the wall at home. I think my real inspiration comes from the phrase "PEW PEW PEW PEW-PEW PEW!" and so forth.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clarke Air Freshiner

Isaac Clarke
Air Freshener Edition

New Car Smell is officially overrated, who wants their car to smell like a bucket of DEAD SPACE? I do, and I was born without a sense of smell! (Google it).

I love me some Dead Space, and I especially love Isaac's old Engineer suit. This might become a tattoo for me, but current it's hanging from my car's rear view mirror. hawt sex, fer serrrr.

Sauced Sally in color

Sauced Sally
in Color

I try to keep things simple, and I also just try to finish what I start. I might need a focus drug or something, this has been on my computer desktop for ages. Sauced Sally was once a sketch I posted on my blog, see what it looks like Herrrre.

Detail shots! I liked workin' her face... wait... that sounded bad when I read that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Badassminton Cover

Badassminton, Phase 1, Cover.

I guess the cover is done, I've been trying to start some storyline, one or two... or four ideas keep colliding into one another. I have all the Badassminton comic pages drawn, one inked, but I dunno if that's the ink style.

Also... stuck in Florida Still. I'm working at a call center, mostly from Noon to 9pm and I still can get work done. Can't tell if lazy or just not around people my age. But I want to do this story, a crazy hoodie story, and this undead kinda H. P. Lovecraft like thing. Huuuuuuugh... I'll get around to starting one of them.

Enjoy the cover to the crazy fun, high school sports, over exaggerated imagination fueled story or a kid who doesn't know what to do with his life until he tries to utilize his intense enjoyment for high school gym badminton games.